1st May 2017–A Day in Kalgoorlie

Awoke to a grey overcast sky which was a surprise as it was not cold overnight at all and no dew on the cars/caravans this morning however by 10am the clouds had largely gone.
First job was a little shopping to buy necessities such as soap and the all important Telstra SIM card.
Then it was time to visit the town’s reason to exist, the Super Pit.
170501 011 Kalgoorlie Super Pit
It was a massive hole the machinery looked so tiny yet it too was on a gigantic scale.
170501 009 Kalgoorlie Super Pit
I wanted to look at some of the nearby mining towns that had gone though boom and bust, they proved to be a bit of a disappointment. The area is littered with working mines but these old places have completely disappeared. At Broad Arrow all that remains is a cast iron water tank.
170501 021 Kalgoorlie Broad Arrow
So it was back to Kalgoorlie to take in the sights.
170501 006 Kalgoorlie
170501 008 Kalgoorlie
From the town reservoir lookout there were signs of mining in all directons.
170501 028 Kalgoorlie
170501 032 Kalgoorlie
The town is actually two towns Boulder has its own CBD.
170501 050 Boulder
170501 052 Boulder
170501 060 Boulder
There is something for everybody.
170501 056 Boulder

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