5th November–Exploring Goondiwindi

Distance: 153Km
Fuel: 39L

The first visit was to the local Tourist Information Office, it was open and was part of the library – there can’t be many libraries open on Sunday.

Armed with some leaflets we went to sample the delights Goondiwindi has to offer. First stop was the Big Cod!

171105 001 Goondiwindi Big Cod171105 002 Goondiwindi Big Cod

Then a short drive to Salisbury Bridge once again joining NSW with Queensland but this time exclusively for stock movements. On the NSW side a short distance away is a sandbar known as Bondi Beach – a popular swimming spot according to the brochure. The stock bridge is at the end of Bondi Rd.

171105 007 Goondiwindi Salisbury Stock Bridge171105 018 Goondiwindi Salisbury Stock Bridge171105 024 Goondiwindi Salisbury Stock Bridge

Then it was back to town for a walk along the top of the levee as far as the boat ramp. Lots of boats waiting to launch on this Sunday.

171105 027 Goondiwindi Macintyre River Walk171105 029 Goondiwindi Macintyre River Walk171105 030 Goondiwindi Macintyre River Walk171105 031 Goondiwindi Macintyre River Walk

Time for a scenic drive, on the way yet another ‘historic’ bridge to NSW this time across the Dumaresq River – bitumen on the Queensland side, dirt in NSW.

171105 038 Keetah Bridge171105 040 Keetah Bridge171105 036 Keetah Bridge

Arrived in the little town of Yelarbon with the intention of buying food but faced with a choice of two pies or a sandwich at the roadhouse ended up just filling with fuel (115.9c compared to Goondiwindi’s 133.9c a litre).

171105 043 Yelarbon

While we were there the entire police force of SE Qld turned up to talk to a bloke about something.

171105 048 Yelarbon

Had a quick look at the strainer post that marked the end of the longest fence in the world before heading back to ‘home’.

171105 045 Yelarbon End Dingo Fence171105 047 Yelarbon End Dingo Fence

Opposite the Goondiwindi airport a local farmer has got rid of a pile of junk lying about his farm at the same time adding to the cultural life of Australia. Neat eh?

171105 051 Goondiwindi Australia Coat of Arms171105 054 Goondiwindi Australia Coat of Arms

Just a reminder if you click on a picture you get a bigger version.

A Storm

At about 6.30pm there was rain and thunder. Fortunately it was forecast so we had already taken the Gazebo down and had put away everything that shouldn’t get wet. Got into the camper watched the news and Doc Martin on TV. The new ventilation set up seemed to work well; ran the fan all night. During the night the wind was quite strong and it rained again though personally I slept through it all.

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